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Welcome Image || Phil Cribben - Director PDC Piling can offer a wealth of experience, providing an extensive product range, having had many years of experience in the piling industry.

P.D.C. is a supplier of new and used material for the Civil Engineering, Construction and Building industry.

P. D. C. has access to many hundreds of tonnes of new and used stock, at it's premises in Kent in the United Kingdom, and access to many thousands of tonnes of new and used sections in Europe.

Our Aim

We are committed to providing highest level of customer service within the Civil Engineering, Construction and Building industry.

With years of experience in the business, our expertise is second to none.

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Bituminous, hot-applied joint sealant for locks of steel sheetpiles....
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Hand-Rail Edge Protection

Easy application when sheetpiles have been driven to level and before excavation commences....
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News Image Larssen Steel Sheet Piles
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Z-Profile Steel Sheet Piles
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Corner Profiles
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